Создание сайта

Site creation

We provide website creation services primarily based on CMS OpenCart & Bitrix. In some special cases, this may be CMS Magento, Laravel, Modx or WordPress – this issue is discussed with the client according to his wishes.

The team consists of qualified programmers led by an architect. Our work is as transparent as possible and we introduce the client to the full course of affairs both in terms of individual improvements and the complete creation of the site from scratch.

Our programmers solve any issue of any complexity.

Surface pool of work what our programmers decide, in short:

  • creating online stores on CMS: OpenCart, Bitrix, Laravel, Modx;
  • creating a business card website on WordPress;
  • solving problems of any complexity using the systems above;
  • finishing modules and writing your own for the client’s tasks;

CMS OpenCart, Bitrix are the best solutions for creating an online store. Regarding WordPress, due to the limited functionality, we use it only for simple tasks.

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