
Explanation of Internet Marketing Terms

A page for those who DO NOT know (trying to understand) the terms, that is, to answer the most important questions -“What is?“, “What does it mean?“, “What is this?“, “How to understand“.

And so, in order, in words for a simple inhabitant of the Internet:

Conversion (conversion) – the goal to which the client should reach on your resource.

Relevance – meeting the client’s expectations.

Nesting – the availability of the searched for in a certain number of actions. It is important not to be confused with clicks, nesting is the number of actions that need to be performed to achieve a goal.

SERM (serm) – reputation and feedback management what your customers leave about the product, as inside a resource and on review sites. In some cases, SERM is also a fight against dishonest competitors.

SEO – (Search Engine Optimization) measures and a set of actions to optimize the site to achieve a result.

Internal optimization – (Page optimization) a set of works within the site, which includes the technical component, visual content optimization.

External optimization – includes targeted actions with the aim of spreading information about the site and attracting link weight.

Usability (Usability) – the convenience and speed of achieving the goal on the part of the client. It is solved by means of audit the site on various devices.

Semantics (S emantics) – thematic keywords for site theme.

Semantic design – correct and, first of all, effective distribution of key queries across the site, depending on a number of factors.

Collecting semantics – analysis and identification of key queries using manual and technical search.

Query clustering – distribution of keywords by sections of the site.

LSI phrases (lsi queries) are related words and words that set the theme for which the page of the promoted site is sharpened in SEO. Used in addition to semantics collection to make relevant.

ROI (romi) is the rate of return on investment in marketing.

KPI (kpi) is a measure of achievement used to measure the effectiveness of actions performed.

Target audience (Target Audience) – a portrait of potential customers for your product.

Profit is a term denoting the achievement of a result.

Outreach (Outreach) – a way of building a link profile by means of direct access to the site. Used in SEO promotion.

CMS (cms) – the system on the basis and under which the site will be created.

CRM (crm) – a system for setting and controlling tasks. Applicable under heavy load in order to optimize and identify problem areas in the business.

Call Tracking (CallTracking) – improvement for tracking the effectiveness of advertisements, for example ADS, from sources for subsequent optimization of the effectiveness of this or that ad.

Code Tracking (CodeTracking) – as with Call Tracking, this refinement to track the effectiveness of advertisements, from sources for subsequent optimization.

LTV (LTV) is a term that characterizes the whole life of your client, a very important parameter that needs to be monitored. You will be able to find out how much 1-in your client actually brings for your business.

ADS (AdWords, aka AdWords) is an advertising system in the Google search network. Setting up ads is an effective source of advertising, provided you research your niche and set up your ads correctly.

Display Network (Google Display Network). Used for various purposes in advertising, mainly for branding purposes.

Marketing – organization of sales of products by means of sales using the analysis of points of sale and data of market needs.

Remarketing – return to the site of the audience that previously interacted with it.

Crowd Marketing (Crowd Marketing) is a term that means warming up a potential audience on forums and sites where there is a mention your product. Example: forums, portals, news resources, etc.

Brandingtype of advertising with an emphasis on popularization, brand awareness.

Attribution (attribution model) – in simple words, identifying the author / source. Model – a way of identifying and the percentage distribution of merit for each of the sources.

Interactive SERP – Answer area on google pages.

Breadcrumbs (breadcrumbs) – a visible element of the site, displaying the path in the form of sequential links on which the page on which you are from the main page is available.

Rich Snippets (Rich Snippets) is the visible area in google search results under the ad titles. Used to optimize CTR and grab attention.

Copywriting (copywriting) – copywriting from the collected semantics.

Text rewriting – checking and rewriting the content of the text according to the TK.

SMM (Social Media Marketin g) – promoting a brand on social networks.

Team Lead – the leader (leader) of the development team.

Site Indexing – collection of data / site content by a search robot for the purpose of understanding and using it in ranking positions.

Marketing ad terms:

    • PPC (Pay Per Click) – type of advertising in which the advertiser pays for each click. This is how advertising works in the Google ADS search network.
    • CPA (Cost Per Action) – a type of advertising where payment is made for some action.
    • PPS (Pay Per Share) – type of advertising where payment is made for the sale.
    • PPI – a type of advertising in which payment is made per impression.
    • PPL (Pay Per Lead) – type of advertising in which payment is made for a lead.
    • EPC (Earnings Per Click) is a term that literally sounds like”earnings from one click”.
    • CPO (cost per order) – the cost of one order of a product or service.
    • B2B (Business to Business , in Russian – Business to Business) is a type of sales or service provision, the essence of which is to provide goods NOT to the end consumer, but for the purpose of further implementation.
    • B2C (Business to Consumer , in Russian – Business to Consumer) – it is logical to understand that this is a type of sale or provision of services to the end consumer.
    • B2G (Business to Government , in Russian – Business for the State) – a type of business, the purpose of which is the supply of a product or service to the state (state bodies).
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